It is important to define the role of alumni. We do not have an official alumni association, rather, we have a Board of Advisors (BOA). Technically, it is a board of alumni that has the task of managing the house while also advising the undergraduate chapter. We have aligned it to co-inside with our house corporation, Whitewater Teke Association.
Here is a list of the current officers and Board of Directors:
Joe Pyzyk – President
Mark Isch – Vice President
Bob Noonan – Secretary
Chris Phelps – Treasurer
Directors: Scott Drolshagen, Rob Benes, Matt Troha
Whitewater Teke Association is a Wisconsin Non-Stock Corporation. The corporation owns the house and carries the debt (TKE National guaranteed our loan when we refinanced a year and a half ago). The above officers are listed on our annual report that must be filed with the State of Wisconsin. This report also lists that our main responsibility is to “own and manage an Eight Family apartment building at 1238 W. Main St, Whitewater.”
Historically, this has been the extent of any alumni participation with the chapter. As a group we have pitched in time not only from management, but physically in doing repairs around the house. Plus the occasional pitching in of dollars. In all, the program has worked but at the same time challenges moving forward could use some more man power.
If there was an Alumni Association
As far as an “Alumni Association,” we could set up an official “Iota Omicron Alumni Association” with TKE National. This would be an ideal way of getting more people involved and perhaps an entry level for new people getting on the BOA to manage the house.
In short, we can start up and get an official charter and would have voting rights at all conclaves just like undergraduate chapters. We need 20 alums for an official start-up. There would be a $200 fee every two years. The purpose of this “alumni association” could be to advise the undergraduate chapter, elect a Board of Advisors or simply plan alumni activities during the year (i.e., homecoming, summer event, etc.).
This may get more alum engaged to help or donate time or dollars.